Back in the early 1980s, Dieter Rams was becoming increasingly concerned by the state of the world around him – “an impenetrable confusion of forms, colours and noises.” Aware that he was a significant contributor to that world, he asked himself an important question: is my design good design?
早在上世纪80年代,迪亚特·拉姆斯就已经成为工业设计界的焦点——‘对形状、色彩、嗅觉..无法理解的混合 强有力地融合了形状、色彩和材料本身’ 请注意即使他已经是工业设计界毫无疑问的重要推动者,他也始终在问自己:我的设计是好的设计吗?
As good design cannot be measured in a finite way he set about expressing the ten most important principles for what he considered was good design. (Sometimes they are referred as the ‘Ten commandments’.)
Here they are.